It’s January, so of course there are New Year’s resolutions everywhere. Whether you go in for them or not, Veganuary is one that lots of people are interested in, so here’s my two pence on how to ‘eat Vegan’, either for Jan, or forevs.
. You may have heard that you get Vitamin D from sunshine, but might be wondering why is Vitamin D important and how much do you need? Perhaps you are asking should you be taking Vitamin D supplement? There’s an overwhelming amount of health info out there at the moment, so in the interest of sanity I’ve covered the latest Government advice on Vitamin D so you can be sure you are up to speed.
Immune-boosting, superfoods and ‘food as medicine’ are popular topics right now, but there’s a lot of misinformation around what exactly your immune system does, and how food can support a healthy immune system but - can you boost your immune system?
The Sirtfood Diet hit the headlines recently due to some pictures of Adele appearing where her apparent weight loss was credited to this particular way of eating. But what is the Sirtfood diet, and does it actually work? With some big claims of ‘not being a diet’ I dug into it so see what the fuss was about….
Veganuary. It’s become a January trend - go vegan and ditch the animal products in favour of plants. But is it healthy?
Not sure which plant milk to choose? Wondering if it’s ok to switch from cows’ milk? Find out which nutrients to look out for, and whether you need to think about which milk is best for you.
Not sure if a non-diet message is really a diet? There are a few quick ways you can tell if the non-diet message is truly non-diet, or if diet culture is sneaking back in with subtle weight-loss messaging
I was maxed out on feminine ideals and the heavy burden of aesthetics that is driven through media….and witnessing it cause so much anguish to nearly every woman I know made me pretty mad….
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and every body requires different amounts. These may vary over time, and sometimes can vary depending on health but minerals (inorganic substances) are required by the body to function, albeit in small amounts.
We know that certain dietary changes can have a positive influence on long term health outcomes, as can certain lifestyle habits. But we want to find the ones that are for life, not just for January, right?