Discovery Call — Abigail S. Nutrition


What is a Discovery Call?


Getting Started

Taking the first step can often feel like a big deal, I totally get that. I’m here to listen, without judgement, to whatever is causing you concern and support you with making positive changes to reach your goals. I want you to live a happier life, and if that involves a bit of sorting out your diet, relationship with food and maybe even self? Then, well, let’s get stuck in.


How does a discovery call work?

We can talk over what your goals are for nutrition coaching and you can ask any questions about the process (and me!). Together we will discuss the best approach to give you the support you need using the latest in research, evidence and advice. Calls are available via telephone, or (if you prefer face to face) Skype or Zoom. And if you really hate calling you can email me too.


looking for a life where cookies aren’t off the menu?

Find out how to feel ok around all foods & learn to nourish your body without restriction.