registered associate nutritionist | personalised online advice

Feel better, worry less.

Evidence-informed nutrition advice, no diets.


Nutrition Support

Looking for a way to take care of yourself without it being another diet? Stop stressing over what to eat and find a release from meal plans and hard-to-keep rules in order to focus on the things that matter: health, wellbeing and a sense of self. Rediscover pleasure in all foods and understand how to fuel your body and your mind, forming a positive, sustainable relationship with food.



Through one-to-one in-person or online nutrition and lifestyle coaching we will find out what works best for you, your body and your lifestyle with simple, easy-to-follow, no-nonsense advice. Online nutritionist advice available UK & Worldwide.

To find out more and get started on your journey to wellbeing book a FREE call today!

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Struggling with your gut? Lacking energy or unsure if you are eating too much sugar? Find out how I can help here

Nutrition Support

Counselling disordered eating emotional intuitive

Feeling out of control around food? Worried about emotional eating or food rules?

Nutrition Counselling

Food freedom from dieting

Food Freedom

No idea what you are supposed to eat anymore? Feeling freedom with food is being able to choose from all foods without fear, guilt or punishment. It is being able to enjoy a doughnut AND a salad without attaching labels of ‘good’ or ‘bad’.

Ditch the Diets

Ditch the phone

Free yourself from the rigidity of apps and plans that weren’t designed with you in mind. We trust our bodies instinct to breathe, pee and sleep, we can also trust it to signal hunger, fullness and satisfaction. Learn how to tune into those signals and how they manifest in your body.

body acceptance

Be kind (to yourself)

It’s all too easy to give yourself a hard time. Often food becomes the sole outlet for tiredness, stress and emotional overload. We will take some time to work out how that might show up in your life, and what other options might look like for you so that it is a part of your tool kit, not your only weapon.


Sustainable skills for the future

An important part of intuitive eating is learning how to look after your body in a compassionate way, through both movement and nutrition. Here we will find ways to develop healthy and sustainable habits that are realistic and practical for your life, but so that you can still have a life.

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To learn more about how we can work together to reach your goals book a complimentary call and get started on building a positive relationship with food.


Find out more….


 Check out what I’m up to over on Instagram

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